Friday, April 02, 2010

It's a Great day to be alive

The sun is shining through the hotel window, and Jason is sleeping in (because he stayed up way too late worrying something would happen to me). Other than being a little sore, I feel great. I got a full nights sleep and hadn't had that since we've been to Cleveland. I got a shower last night, although still have the sexiest hair you'll ever see until Saturday per doctor's orders. I feel really good. I can take pain meds every 4-6 hours and I went all night and still haven't taken any this morning. It's a balancing act between being sore and being loopy/tired. I am getting around great and feel pretty self sufficient. It still blows my mind that I was discharged only 25 hours after having brain surgery. Jason and I are excited to attend masses this weekend and hopefully a Cavs game or something while we wait over this next week. We're both going to try to work/heal/and keep our spirits high. We have several appts. on Thursday to remove the staples and discuss the results and options to move forward with the neurooncologist, surgeon, and radiologist/oncologist. We are just so thankful to everyone at home for taking care of the kiddos/animals/home project/meals while we have no worries during this time of diagnosis and treatment! Love you all...muuwha!

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