Monday, December 13, 2010

Long Time No See!

The Bohannon Family in fact still exists. We are well and thriving and living life! I have been sooooo very bad at updating the blog since the introduction of 1) iPhone 2) Facebook 3) 3 separate camera sources. It has become so unbelievably convenient to just send a camera photo to Facebook as almost everyone I know is on there. But, to be honest, I miss the stories and activities that go along with blogging. So, I am officially stating my New Year's Resolution as being better at blogging and going one step further...getting the thing finally printed on an annual basis. Hold me to it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um... I'm here to hold you to it!
Love the pics and your writing style. Excited for you to be seizure free for one year too! Yay!!!