Monday, January 04, 2010

What do you do when you don't have a sled?

IMPROVISE! We got more snow over the weekend and we had pretty much been home bound most of the holiday due to the flu. We have one of the BEST driveways for sledding, so the kids were very excited when mommy & daddy pulled out a pillow and a laundry basket. I was making lunch for them and kept hearing Ella scream, went out and she was raising her arms in the air when she would go down like she was on a roller coaster. Of course, she stopped doing it when I brought out the camera. Jason got a major workout pushing them back up the driveway and the kiddos had a blast!


Jennifer, Carmen and Jake said...

Jake and I watched this five times! He thinks it's "cool." He would also like to know why Brooks wasn't in the basket.

The Bohannons said...

lol. maybe next year, Jake.