Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It looks like we're getting presented with a lottery check, but that's actually our wedding day when I was way too lucky to marry the best woman/wife/mother in the world! Happy anniversary!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chug A Lug

Brooks seems to have a pattern of being behind my other 2 on milestones and then quickly making up time. Just a week ago he couldn't sit up on his own and now he is solid. Last week he was gagging on table foods and playing with his sippy cup rather than drinking from it. He has started to wean himself over the past couple of days, so I have been pumping his milk into the sippy cup. I came into the kitchen tonight to discover him downing it like a pro. He's also mastered cheerios, so decided to offer up carrots and peas that we were eating at dinner and he gobbled them all up like he's been doing it forever. I'm afraid if I blink he will be all grown up.

Gymnastics Show Week

Ella and Miller both had their end semester performance last week. They both said their favorite part is the bars. Ella did lots of skills with her classmates and some on her own. She has really been working on her cartwheels and handstands. Here she is doing a backhandspring with the aid of Ms. Stephanie, her teacher. Miller graduates to a big boy class now, where he doesn't need Daddy to go in with him. Although it's been fun and they've enjoyed it, I think you can tell from the group picture chaos that it's time for him to move on.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Miller's 1st Dance Class

Ms. Catherine decided that Miller was ready to join Ella in dance this week. He was so excited. He had his very own shoes and got to carry their bag. He came in the viewing area after class was over and said, 'Mommy, I did it!' He is looking forward to picking out his own dance bag now! In this picture, Ms. Catherine is lining the kids up to go into the studio where they begin with curtsy's for the girls and a bow for the boys. We are now doubly excited for the dance recital this spring.

Time Out T-REX

This is the T-Rex that Brooks got for Christmas from Santa Claus. Miller has been a little hesitant around him, so we had almost decided to give him to Good Will until daddy had the brilliant idea to place him in the 'naughty chair' aka 'time out'. We have struggled with discipline for Miller in his latest phase of potty talk. Miller now knows that if he wants to talk that way, he has to go sit by T Rex to do it. This may be somewhat cruel, but has been OOOOH so effective!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Razorback Gymnastics Opener

Jason took Ella & Miller to see this years team tonight. When we took them last year at this time, Miller was more interested in the snacks than the gymnastics. You can see in this picture that he is mesmerized by events. Ella's favorite was the uneven bars, Miller's was the balance beam. Big Red came up to their section and it was much too close for Miller's comfort, but Ella got right in for a photo op. They later got autographs from the team on their posters and put them in their room.

Monday, January 04, 2010

What do you do when you don't have a sled?

IMPROVISE! We got more snow over the weekend and we had pretty much been home bound most of the holiday due to the flu. We have one of the BEST driveways for sledding, so the kids were very excited when mommy & daddy pulled out a pillow and a laundry basket. I was making lunch for them and kept hearing Ella scream, went out and she was raising her arms in the air when she would go down like she was on a roller coaster. Of course, she stopped doing it when I brought out the camera. Jason got a major workout pushing them back up the driveway and the kiddos had a blast!

Brooks is 8months old today

Brooks is completely getting the concept of smiling for the camera. He broke 2 more teeth through on New Year's Eve making 5 out so far. He's got one more right around the corner. He is rolling everywhere and sitting up well, unless he's holding something...then he would rather fall than let go of it. We have caught him doing a backwards scoot and hiking up on all 4s a few times. I really don't think I'm prepared for true mobility.

Budding Photographers

These are pictures the kids took with our camera over the weekend. Most of Miller's were of our knees and laps until he 'discovered' the screen. I got out the video camera when I heard over making dinner, 'ok, now miller, put your legs here and your arms here and sit this way'. She was totally getting into being a real photographer and he was doing what every good little brother does...whatever big sister wants him to do.