Thursday, December 31, 2009


We had a great week while the cousins were here. Dominic, Nadia, & Audrey were the best playmates and such good kids during all of the 'quiet time' while Brooks napped. I always love it when the cousins come to visit, because I rarely hear any whining or have to break up any fights between my kids, which leaves me time to catch up with my sister and cuz, Dameon. After their past few visits of talking about it, we finally went ice skating at the Jones Center. It was packed, but the kids had soooo much fun(except Miller, he thought he was going to get to ride in the big orange car...aka the rink cleaner). They started off wall walking and by the end of the session were not holding onto the wall at all. Ella couldn't stop talking about it the whole way home. She & Miller have asked me everyday when the next time we will see the cousins again.

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