Thursday, December 31, 2009

What the Bohannons did on the last day of 2009

Brooks captured Gable
Ella & Miller captured a dinosaur

It appears that Cinderella may have temporarily captured Brooks, or it's Ella's longing for a little sister.

And mommy captured these two monkeys with the fort set Miller got for Christmas.
Happy New Year to everyone. How quickly 10 years goes by and I am realizing that it will have been the most important decade of my life.

Brooks Love

I can always get a giggle out of Brooks by showering him with kisses, but now he's the one giving them out, one big drooly open mouthed kiss at a time! Ella and Miller weren't giving kisses until they were 9months, so I predict this one will be a lover.


We had a great week while the cousins were here. Dominic, Nadia, & Audrey were the best playmates and such good kids during all of the 'quiet time' while Brooks napped. I always love it when the cousins come to visit, because I rarely hear any whining or have to break up any fights between my kids, which leaves me time to catch up with my sister and cuz, Dameon. After their past few visits of talking about it, we finally went ice skating at the Jones Center. It was packed, but the kids had soooo much fun(except Miller, he thought he was going to get to ride in the big orange car...aka the rink cleaner). They started off wall walking and by the end of the session were not holding onto the wall at all. Ella couldn't stop talking about it the whole way home. She & Miller have asked me everyday when the next time we will see the cousins again.

White Christmas 2009

Santa brought Miller the much asked for jeep and he took it out for a spin asap. Ella was excited about making snow angels and helping daddy shovel the driveway. Mommy was excited daddy was home so she could stay in the toasty warm house.

The Merriest of Christmases

Having 3 healthy & happy kids is all I ever want for Christmas. I loved having Grandma here to share Jesus' birthday as well: from mass, to the big feast, to the big day. Notice Ella is already dressed. Jason went upstairs on Christmas morning to video tape them coming down, and Ella said she wanted to get dressed for the day before she came down to see what Santa brought her. Talk about priorities!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Belated 7 month

Before Brooks actually turned 7 months old he got another tooth (3 total) and started rolling both ways and scooting to get around. Last time I weighed him he was 16.5 lbs. He still needs a little support when sitting (i.e. Gable) but is doing really well at balancing in his chair and saucer. He is grabbing at finger foods and getting them to his mouth, as well as drinking from a sippy cup. We put him in a restaurant high chair for the first time last weekend and when I came out from washing my hands saw him drinking from the straw like our other 2 used to do. It was big mommy 'Wub' moment for me. You forget those sweet little things so quickly.

Reynold's Christmas

We went up to my Dad & Sharon's house last weekend to reunite with some of her side of the family. Aimee, Dameon, Nadia, Audrey, & Dominic also came down. We had our Christmas with them, stockings and all. Grandma & Grandpa were way to good to all of us and we have the candy to prove it. ;) Miller digs his weedeater and plans on helping dad out in the yard next summer. Grandma Sharon also got out some of her bells from her collection and let the kids ring them. The girls loved the princess bells the best.

Ella's Preschool Christmas Program

Ella was an angel in the Christmas Play and sang her songs and performed her lines perfectly. This is her good friend, Mia. They request photo opps at every school event.


I was lovin' Miller's hair flip when he woke up the other day. We did finally get it cut last week. I never know what to expect when Ella comes downstairs in the mornings. She usually jumps in as if to say 'ta dah' with a big smile on her face. I had to take a picture of this number. I told her that I only hope her fashion choices are a reflection of her inner self....bright and colorful!

Being Creative

Ella showing off our glue and chalk artwork and Miller showing his blue sugaring skills during our Christmas cookie making last week.

Thompson Christmas

My uncle Charles and Jason...two of my favorite men.
Mike and Brooks, Uncle Chuck and Shane

My cousin Brett and his daughter Paige.

Kelly, Aunt Ruth, and Traci

We traveled to Tulsa 2 weeks ago to reunite with my Dad's side of the family. The kids mostly watched all of the older kids in awe while Jason and I had a great time catching up with the clan. I was able to sneak some of my Aunt Ruth's famous peanut butter balls and even got the recipe!

Hudman Visit

We celebrated Christmas with the Hudman's earlier this month. As usual the Aunts spoiled our kids rotten with lots of love and attention. One of Ella's gifts was a set of girl dollies that she stuffed in her shirt and announced she was going to have twin girls just like Aunt Jennifer. We are really looking forward to our trip to TX in the spring to meet our new nieces and play with Jake on his turf.

Santa 2009

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. I got a picture of the older 2 with Santa this year, but Brooks was just so sick and tired. I got a shot of him with santa with my own camera that I got his ornament made from. Maybe next year we'll have better luck. Ella asked for a Barbie doll, Miller a jeep, and Brooks just pulled on Santa's beard. Good thing it was real.