Friday, September 11, 2009

That's gonna hurt in the morning

Mommy & Daddy got the call from school that no parent wants to get: Miller had fallen on the playground and had a gash in his head that would require stitches. Daddy picked him up with gum, motrin, and a sucker in tow to take him to the ER. They attempted 5 staples, but only one stayed in. Miller was very brave and a very good boy without any anesthetic. When you ask him what happened at the hospital, he says, 'click', because that's all he heard when they put the staples in.


~Melissa Mullinax said...

Oh, my gosh!!! Was this his first day??? :( Poor guy.

The Bohannons said...

2nd day.

Lindsey said...

I hope he is feeling better!! I bet big sister is taking care of him!!!