Sunday, December 07, 2008

Little Brother or Sister

Introducing our little sprout or 'scooter' as Jason calls him/her. The whole family went to the ultrasound last week, and I was surprised Ella didn't ask Mari to look at her baby in her belly too. The due date is still April 28th and we are happy to announce that everything looks healthy and well with this itty bitty. The baby is facing on the left hand side and has his/her mouth open. We got to watch the baby having hiccups and sticking his/her tongue out at us. We're very excited to meet this addition to our family.


~Melissa Mullinax said...

Scooter is adorable!! Congrats again!!

Angie Nelson and her story said...

congrats neat pic my bet it is a girl so i call her skeeter or just kidding

tonya said...

Major congrats to you!! Please keep us (followers hehe) updated as often as you can stand!!