Monday, June 28, 2010

Did I mention it was Ella's 5th birthday?

Okay, so last celebration of the week for this birthday girl. She got to invite some girlfriends to a pool party that our neighbors, the Wears, graciously offered to host. She wanted all things Barbie and the cake to be all pink! There just wasn't enough time in the day for these kids to party like they wanted to, but it was so fun. Thanks so much to all that came and especially to the Wears for their backyard and bonus cocktails!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ella grew up with one haircut

Our generous, brave, and thoughtful daughter told me 2 weeks before her birthday that she wanted to cut her hair and she wanted to give it to kids that had short hair and wanted long hair. Her donation went to Children with Hairloss. Ms. Taylor did such a great job with her. Ella had her first salon hairwash and in her words, 'didn't freak out at all!' She looks like such a big girl and with making such big girl decisions, I may have to let her go to kindergarten afterall.

Ella turns 5!

This is Miller realizing it is not his birthday and he does not get to open all the presents
Ella's favorite present (although she loved them all), her shoes from Aunt Peanut

So, I couldn't let Ella's actual birthday go down without having some sort of cake to celebrate. Dennis, my Hope Cancer Resource driver, was nice enough to take me to Sam's after treatment one day to grab Ella this Hannah Montana cupcake cake that she loved. She had a great day, full of presents, and hitting the skating rink that night. We were the only family there. It was awesome!

Things that make me literally LOL

Ella was very busy upstairs one morning and telling me to wait. She finally let me come see her ZOO...all her stuffed animals on the staircase. I guess the babygate was her inspiration. She is the biggest monkey of them all!

Ella & Miller had a blast in the sprinklers one day and I noticed that everytime Ella ran through them she would hold her hair apart so she could see. Miller just does whatever she does without any thought as to 'why' and did the same thing. He makes me laugh.

Katy Days 2010

We should just rename Katy Days "Cousins Weekend at Grandmas". The kids love coming here every year. The adults do to as it is one big class reunion. The petting zoo is always a big hit, and of course, celebrating Ella's 5th birthday is a plus. This was the 1st of her 3 'cakes' for the week. Sweet tooth much?

End of gymnastics for now

Ella and Miller performed their last show at the Little Gym a few weeks ago. We call this class the 'no fear' class as the kids will do pretty much anything Ms. Stephanie asks them to do. These are pictures of Ella doing her turn on tippy toes and cartwheel on the balance beam. Her favorite is the bars. Miller did his performance in Ella's class and displayed quite a bit of no fear himself. He only told Ms. Stephanie 'no' once. :)