Friday, July 31, 2009

Dancing Queen

Ella had a great time at dance camp this week along with her friend, Marissa. She got to dress in a different costume everyday and made beautiful crafts as well. Today we were blessed to be given a show by these sweet girls of all their hard work. Here is a small portion of that show. Sorry it's so shaky, I was trying to take pictures with one hand and video with the other.

The Big Campout!

Daddy pitched a tent in the backyard and the kids 'roughed' it for an entire hour and a half. They were set up with s'mores, air mattresses, a dvd player, and even a fan (you can see it on the left of the dvd picture). At about 11:30pm, I watched 2 toddler heads come through the backdoor with blankies in tow and head upstairs for a good night's sleep. A few days later Ella said, 'Dad, let's campout again!'

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Razorback fun

We took the kids down to Fayetteville last night for dinner at Hugos and a stop at the Hogs Fan Event. The kids got balloon creations, but only Ella had true team spirit by getting her face painted and posing with Big Red.


Jason played softball in Parsons last weekend in a tournament to benefit Montel White, a friend's son, who requires spinal surgery. The whole family went to cheer his team on. Unfortunately, they didn't win, but had a great time playing and catching up with old friends. Thanks for the pictures, Brad!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor Day

All 3 kids went to Dr. Youngblood today for checkups. They are all healthy, smart, and happy kids. At 11weeks, Brooks weighed 12lbs. 2 oz (50%), and his head measured 41cm(50%). He is a long boy at 24 1/2 inches (75%). Ella and Miller got to go to Target to pick out a DVD for being so good today!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Mr. Smiley

At 9 1/2 weeks now, this happy boy puts a smile on all our faces.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Celebrating the 4th

How cute are these kids lined up ready to watch the show? Daddy got a very few fireworks to celebrate this year, and it was just enough. This crew(Amanda, Will, Ella, & Miller) eventually moved closer to the house and enjoyed donuts during the entertainment.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

A Fish Named CHIP

Completely forgot to introduce the newest member of the Bohannon Family....Chip. Ella got to pick him and her aquarium out for her birthday. I really stressed about adding another animal to our mix, but he's turned out to be the lowest maintenance of all of us.


Ella & her friend, Marissa took swim lessons earlier this summer from Ms. Courtney and learned a lot. They have since put their skills in the community pool. Ella has discovered she can do just about anything as long as she has her trusty noodle. When Miller saw her jumping in, he decided he would do it too(minus the noodle, but plus a daddy catching him).

Bauer Baptisms

My good friend, Tam, and her 2 daughters were baptized this past weekend and we were so fortunate to be a part of it. It has been a long time coming with pregnancies, babies, and lack of sleep, but God's perseverance made it happen. Congratulations Tam, Isabella, & Gabriella. And Congratulations to Tam & Steven on their marriage convalidation!

Coco Keys Waterpark

Our hotel in Omaha connected to a waterpark and made for a fun day. This was Brooks 1st time in the water and the kids' 1st waterpark. Mommy & Brooks got lost in the lazy river & some wild boys were pelting us with water, but a sweet little girl named Sarah came to our rescue.

Omaha Children's Museum

Our 1st stop in Omaha was the Children's Museum. They had the cutest little shopping area, carousel, and an entire Sesame Street mock up where daddy played Mr. Hooper.

Omaha Zoo

We spent 2 days at the zoo during our Omaha trip. We rode the train and saw all sorts of wild animals. But the favorite animal had to be this squirrel that ate the sunchips the kids dropped from lunch.

Hogs at the College World Series

We were blessed to be able to sit in the only row in general admission with shade & a breeze. The 1st picture is our view from behind our seats where people were already camped out in line around the stadium for the next game.