Sunday, March 29, 2009


Ella got a decent night's sleep last night and all of her bloodwork is looking good. She had more of an appetite today and was talking and moving more than I've seen in a week. The doctor said she gets to go home Monday and Ella said she wanted to stay because she likes the princess bed and tv!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rough Week

As most of you know, Ella was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday for infected retropharyngeal lymph nodes. She can't move her head up or side to side, as you can see in one picture. By the afternoon, her antibiotics and multiple gifts were putting a smile on her face. I hadn't realized until I saw that smile that it had been gone for 3 days. She is having good days and bad days and we are still battling fever and very painful neck and head pain, but are hopeful with time and prayer and restful medicine that she will recover soon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby On Board

Our favorite gal, Melly, took some family maternity pictures for us a month ago. These are my favorites. Can't wait to meet this new little addition. He/she is 35 weeks along and doing well. Mommy starts going weekly next week and finds out if he/she has flipped head down or not. If not, they will have to try a manual turn, which we want to avoid. Send your prayers and positive thoughts for a flip-a-roo in the next week!

More Miller Birthday

Some pictures from the party and look at all the help he got opening presents from his sister and cousins! Although he ended up having an ear infection that week, he had a great 2nd birthday with all the ice cream, cupcakes, family, and friends! Thanks to everyone that celebrated this boys birthday!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Miller!!

Our baby turns 2 today! We are so proud of our smart and thoughtful young man. These are pictures from his birthday party with friends and family at Chuck E. Cheese this weekend. He has been asking to go back. Tonight we get to see Grandpa & Grandma Sharon and celebrate again! Tomorrow he gets to celebrate with Grandpa Bob & Grandma Judy. More pictures to come.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Parade Fun

The 1st video was the beginning of the Pixar Parade. The kids were dancing while waiting for the floats and characters to come around. The 2nd video is the Nemo float. Our family totally loves Crush. He Rocks, Dude!

More 'Characters'

The kids loved Tinkerbell. She had the squeakiest little voice and not much taller than the kids. I think the funniest thing is to watch how each character has to autograph Ella's book. Pluto had to do it on his nose. Ella still talks about that.

Family Disney Photos

In front of Sleeping Beauty's castle and above in front of the Mickey made of flowers. The flowers were the first thing Ella noticed at Disney, since we haven't had any at home for a while and it was snowing when we left home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Princess Dinner

We met up with Carmen, Jennifer, & Jake(who slept) for the Princess Dinner. We met Cinderella, Ariel, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White. Miller wouldn't stop looking at Snow White, he thinks she is definitely the fairest of them all.

Goofy's Kitchen

This last one is a picture of the kids poking their heads out of a little hole in our booth the day we ate at Goofy's Kitchen. They would scream and hide when there was a character sighting. They got to meet Goofy, Pluto, Chip & Dale, Alice from Wonderland, & Baloo from Jungle Book. I thought the Mickey shaped waffles were a nice touch.

Saturday, March 07, 2009


Dinner with Princesses.....$30

Picture with Ariel.....$30

Feeling like a prince & princess by meeting all of the Disney Princesses....PRICELESS