Saturday, January 31, 2009

More Ice

This is the maple tree in the front yard that lost a limb. There was so much snow and ice packed on the valley of our roof, that as it started to melt it came into the wall...nice.

2009 Ice Storm

As you can tell, the rain, then sleet & ice didn't let up for several days. This Magnolia tree in our back yard took a bit of a beating but only lost one branch. The first picture was from Tuesday, the second one was from Thursday. The maple in the front lost one big branch. It's amazing to see them today with 50 degree weather and completely rebounding.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You had me at 'Once Upon A Time'....

Ella decided she wanted to start wearing nightgowns like her cousins, so we went out and bought her a Dora & Princess one. Miller fell in love with them and wanted to be just like his sister. He was absolutely devastated when we took it off him to put his footed jammies on. He has continued to ask for a nightgown and cried when we say, 'no Miller, it won't keep you warm enough'. Daddy had the brilliant idea last night to put the gown over his jammies, and he was as happy as a clam. An added bonus...he doesn't try to take his clothes and diaper off anymore. ;)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Kid Likes The Natural Look

We have to put Miller's clothes back on him at least 5 times a day. Luckily if he gets the diaper off, he does a squealing parade around the house to show off his skills, so I can get to him before too big of a mess is made. I had to take a picture when I woke the other morning and turned on the video to his monitor and saw that he had already taken his jammies off and was working on the diaper.

Ella the Hair Stylist

and Miller was her first client. Thank goodness it was all pretend.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Miller is 22 Months today

It is hard to believe in a couple of months Millerman will be a 2year old. We are amazed everyday mostly of his comprehension and vocabulary. He will say a new word almost daily that we have neither discussed nor worked on. It's as if he just hears us talking and figures it out. He is becoming so independent, wanting to dress himself and make his own decisions, that I am positive my little baby is fading in the past. He now understands that there is a baby in my belly and I think he will be so full of love and sweetness for it as he is with his big sister.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow Angel & Observer

Ella was so excited to wake up to snow this morning. This is only the second time we've had it this winter, and this is as much as we get. She wanted to show Miller how to make a snow angel, but he was more interested in watching and picking it up repeating, 'nowe!'


Ella earned a medal at gymnastics after performing her routine for all the mommies and daddies at Show Week. Each child went one at a time so all eyes were on them. She did so well and did it all with a big smile. We are very proud of her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What's Been Going On

Since Miller got his own tv tray for Christmas, they are able to enjoy breakfast together watching a morning cartoon. Daddy got a new art posting board for Ella to rotate out her artwork. Miller got into the strawberry Quik and said, "mommy...mess", and the kids put all their coins together to take to the bank and deposit in their savings accounts.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

After the show...

we met up with Daddy & Miller for some dinner and ice cream. I got my camera out to take a picture of the kids with their first ice cream cones. When Daddy asked Miller if he could have some, he took us all by surprise by pinching off a little for Daddy and feeding it to him. Funny.

The Wizard of Oz

Ella took Mommy & Grammy to the Walton Arts Center today to see The Wizard of Oz. It was really very good. I told Ella that since she didn't have to take a nap today, that she needed to act like a big girl. It just so happened they were handing out m&m's on the way out of the theater and Ella said, "is this for being a big girl?"

Friday, January 09, 2009

How did we work that one out?

All of our family traveled to us over the holidays. After the Hudman's visited, then it was Grandpa Bob & Grandma Judy, Grandma, Aunt Peanut, Aunt Aimee with Nadia & Audrey, Grandpa & Grandma Sharon, and Dameon & Dominic. The kids all had a blast together and Miller and Ella didn't have one 'mine' or 'he took my..' fight the whole time.

Random Pics

Kids being goofy with the glasses from the dr. kit. Miller and Ella piling on his new Mickey Mouse chair. Had to capture a shot of Ella teaching Miller how to use the computer.

Dominoes with Daddy

Daddy teaching Ella the 'real' game of dominoes.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas Morning 2008

I don't think I will ever truly be able to express how much I love my family. I can't think of anything better for Christmas than to have them close to me and healthy. The kids were tickled with their gifts from Santa. Ella didn't seem surprised at all that he ate the milk and cookies, and the reindeer ate the carrots and water outside. We were so blessed to have Grandma with us and the kids ate up her attention.

Preparing for Santa

The kids helped make Santa his cookies. Ella was a great cookie cutter and icer. Miller was great at eating the dough and icing(notice the cookie he was decorating is gone). Ella wanted to make one special for Audrey, and when I came back, she had eaten most of it....that's what the ornery grin on her face is from. I said, "Ella, I thought you were decorating that one for Audrey?" and she said, "I forgot!"

Hudman Christmas

We started off this Christmas with a visit from the Hudmans. It is so fun to see the kids interact as they get older.