Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Did Anybody See..

that goose that laid an egg on Miller's head?

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Slide

Miller figured out how to climb the stairs, sit, scoot, and slide by himself last week. I didn't capture it on camera, but he will sit down at the top of the steps and scoot all the way to the slide, no matter how far.

Week at the Weaver's

Love Love Love our cousins. We had a ball celebrating Nadia's birthday (check out her new fish) and visiting the zoo(at least what we were awake for). We got an added bonus when Dominic joined us too.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Minneapolis Trip

Mommy & Daddy went to Minneapolis for the weekend while Melly played with us. They got to go to Mass at the Basilica, see Chris Rock, and join friends for a fun evening. Oh yeah, and SHOP!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fun with Family!

Aunt Carmen, Aunt Jennifer, and Jake came to visit us last week and we had a ball. We went to Chuck E. Cheese, Jump Zone, swimming, the Botanical Gardens, and bowling. The only pictures Aunt Carmen was able to capture of all 3 kids, were mostly action shots. Very busy babies....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Swim Ranch Rocks!

Ella had her 1st swim lesson at Swim Ranch with Mommy on Sat. (See us in the middle with her big smile after dog paddling back to me?) We forgot the camera but luckily Daddy had his phone. We are so thankful Ms. Leslie told us about this place. What wonderful instructors and so much fun to get a cookie after class.......even Miller got one!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Regardless how unattractive they may be, we stock up on jammies that fit the kids well when they're on sale. Ella wanted to wear the shark ones I got for Miller to wear in a couple of years. She also announced that she wanted to be a shark for Halloween this year and said, "Fish are Friends, NOT food". I think someone has been watching a little too much Nemo.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Bug Off!

Ella caught her first bug (in the house, unfortunately) in her collection kit the Hudgins family gave her for her birthday. She kept it for a couple of hours, then decided we needed to release it outside because it missed it's babies.

Monday, July 07, 2008

San Diego Chicken

The kids thought he was seriously silly and couldn't take their eyes off of him at the Naturals game on Saturday. They especially liked when he brought out his 'chicks' to teach them his antics.

Loving Grandma's

Miller continued to pratice his climbing skills at Grandma's house, starting with the piano. Aunt Beth & Uncle Raymond joined us for a yummy lunch Grandma made. Grandma pulled out the 'vintage' Snow White sheets that Aimee & I used to sleep on for Ella's special bed. She LOVED them!

The 4th at Grandma's

Ella showing Dolly the fireworks.
Mayor Miller

Miller & Daddy & Grandma 'done' at the end of the show

We did the annual Zetmeir picnic & firework show in Parsons. Ella sang throughout the entire show. An adorable little girl Ella's age named Natalie wanted to join us, so she crawled up onto our lap and started singing right along with Ella. Sweet girls!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy 4th!

We pray for safe travels for everyone this holiday!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Mr. Miller after waking up from his happy nap. Some pretty cute bedhead, if you ask me.

Go Diego Go!

How cool to help Diego & Dora find Baby Jaguar's growl this weekend at the Walton Arts Center!

On Display

Can you tell this child is oozing with pride? Next time you're in the Lowell Ron's Burgers, look for Ella's picture she colored. She was just tickled that the waitress put it on the wall(next to her own) for everyone to see.

Lowell Mudtown Days

Gotta love free rides and free bingo. Ella won a gift certificate to D.Q. at Bingo and ran into her friend Marissa at the festivities.

Mommy's Little Helper

We forgot to give Grammy a Happy Birthday Shout Out. It took us over a week, but we finally celebrated her birthday with a Ho Ho Cake made from a recipe that Ms. Julie shared. As usual when eating cake, Ella requested, 'more icing, please'