Monday, June 23, 2008

Conquering Mt. Everest

Just look at that form. Miller was so proud of himself after figuring out how to climb out of the pack n play(his bed) at Grammy's house Saturday, that he's decided to come home and conquer all of the furniture. I've caught him sizing up those baby gates so am pretty sure they're next.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Botanical Gardens

We finally made it to the botanical gardens in Fayetteville. Ella immediately asked if she could pick some flowers. The kids loved running around the Children's Garden and looking for the blue dragon. They also had chickens in a coop and lots of butterflies and bees fluttering about. When I asked Ella if she wanted to wear her sunglasses or hat, she said she didn't need either of them, she was wearing her tiara.

Pit Stop

On the way to SDC, the windy roads proved to be too much for all of us, so we stopped at this cute little diner for lunch. Ella perked right up after seeing the dolls on the counter (the Dramamine and chocolate shake didn't hurt either). Check out those sippy cups they provided, very cool. Thankfully, we found a much smoother route for the way home!

Silver Dollar City

We went to KidsFest at SDC and enjoyed seeing Veggie Tales and the Circus on Ice, where a man solved a rubik's cube while juggling. Ella rode her 1st roller coaster and yelled the whole time. I asked her if she was scared and she said, 'no, I just felt like yelling'.

Daddy's Home

Ella loved the surprises Daddy brought her from the Target Conference. Miller cried when he saw him, he missed him so much, he wouldn't stop hugging him.


I have been trying to capture Miller's face on camera with that pitiful look when he breaks out into the completely devastated cry. I am usually running to the rescue or holding him(restraining from danger) when this happens so don't have the opportunity to grab a camera. But the 1st popsicle proved to be the perfect time. He insisted on holding the popsicle, and was furious (but wouldn't let go) after realizing how cold it was, hence the face. As you can see, after prying it out of his hand and cutting it up for him to enjoy, he went on to display the 'mmmm' face and finishing with 'more'.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Big Sister 101

Ella decided that she was going to be the one to wash Miller in the bath tonight. She is such a great big sister, she is always working with Miller on rules, words and sign language. He's not allowed to have one of her potty m&m's until he signs 'more' and 'please', no matter how much he cries.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Daddy's Day!

When I told Ella it was Father's Day and her Daddy was her father, she said, 'no he's not, mommy...he's my daddy!' We had a great day with him and he grilled us yummy steaks for dinner. We think he is simply the best!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

We ALL love Melly!

So Mommy & Daddy tried a new babysitter last night when they went to see Jesus Christ Superstar. She came by over the weekend to meet us, so when she came last night Miller and I didn't even care that Mom & Dad left. In the hour or so before bed she managed to do fun art and help us make stickers& magnets. She even did the dishes. Mom & Dad were most surprised when they found out she was also from Parsons, KS and lived across the street from Mommy's best friend, Angela. God has an amazing way of bringing people into our lives.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ella's 1st Bicycle

Can't believe I forgot to post this. She's hit truly big girl status now.

A...You're Adorable, B...You're so Beautiful, C....

Ella did a great job at her first dance recital. We were all so proud of her. No photographs allowed during the recital, but got some pre & post show shots.Ella with her own personal makeup artist and agent making sure she's seen under the bright lights.
Putting on her tap shoes before showtime.Our little baby doll was so excited to see all of her family after the show!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Kids First Movie Theater Experience

We took the kids to see a Bee Movie, the 1st of many to kick off the summer movie season. They both did pretty good, mesmerized for the first half hour. After the nostalgia of the theater, snacks, and sitting on our laps wore off, Miller was kindly escorted out of the theater.

More Birthday Fun

Daddy & Ella were being silly at her party. Ella loved her new digital camera. After a few days, Miller picked up on how to use it too.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Lil Kingpin

Miller got in on some of the bowling action too.

Party Pics

The birthday girl in front of her Ariel sign
Silly Noah wishing for a strike
Ella blowing out her candles with the help of Caleb, Jacob, & Marissa
Sweet Ansley enjoying some cookie
Isabella & Caleb helping celebrate
Thank you everyone for coming to my bowling party and for all of my gifts!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ella!

Ella chose donuts as her nutritious & complete birthday breakfast this morning. She can't wait for the rain to stop to try out her new big girl bicycle.