Saturday, May 31, 2008

In Bloom

I don't think I can truly express how happy it makes my heart to see the flowers in bloom. I'm particularly fond of the Magnolia tree in the backyard that had a single flower on it the day we brought Ella home from the hospital in June 2005 (that was the first year it bloomed). Now our little girl takes great pride in picking a flower a day from our beds to put in water and take care of them in the house. God gives us beautiful little reminders of how precious and gorgeous our everyday, natural surroundings are.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


To all of those who have expressed concern for big boy, just wanted to post a picture showing that he's doing fine. He had a fun day with his friends and sister today and didn't really notice all of the skin missing from his nose.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Miller's 1st Skinned FACE

Ouch....That's going to leave a mark. This one took a nose dive on the driveway playing after dinner. I predict lots of Mederma in our future.

Sweet Boy

Miller has taken on the Hudgins' boys pose from their earlier years. He will cock his head one way, then the other, flirting with whomever will catch his eye. He was doing it during his haircut today and the stylist wasn't 'amused'.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh boy, Are We In Trouble

Miller is growing up waaaay too fast. He turned 14months this past week and LOVES to be outside. He is using some sign language, walking up and down the stairs, and mastering the lean forward tip-toe run. His favorite words are still 'dog' and 'all done, mama'. He's got a rocket fire throwing right arm (and excellent aim as well, which is usually a person). I'm also proud to report that he is a sucker for chocolate, just like his mom and sis.

The Ducks

Although Miller has been here before, he wasn't able to walk among the creatures. Ella enjoyed feeding tortillas to the ducks & geese(see the babies?), while Miller just wanted to pet one. He never succeeded.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why we're doing swimmingly, thanks!

The first trip to the pool this year proved to be very challenging for Ella at first, but she started to enjoy herself towards the end. No fear Miller, went right in and didn't even seem to notice the freezing cold water. I can't get over how big our girl has gotten, she can go into the deep end on her tippy toes.

Miller's 1st Skinned Knee

With shorts come the skinned knees. Ella's first was when she was 2. Maybe it's because Miller is trying so hard to run into the street and away from us.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Farmer's Market

We took the kids to the Bentonville Square this weekend for some lunch, coin tossing(Miller's first time), and pottery decorating. Ella's creation will be auctioned off in November for charity. Any bidders?

Latest Obsession

Can you believe this is the same kid that used to cry everytime I turned this thing on?

Golf With Daddy

Ella finally got to cash in her last reward from her potty sticker book, a round of golf with Daddy. She loved holding the flag for Daddy and the big sandboxes!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

What a blessing to spend Mother's Day with our Moms. We Love You. You are the best!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

She's Safe!

After every Sunday Naturals game, the kids get to run the bases. Ella looked so cute amongst the big kids giving high fives at every base. She was soooo proud of herself. Maybe next week she'll let her brother tag along.

Fun City

Another reward from Ella's potty sticker book was a trip to Fun City Pizza. We practically had the place to ourselves, so it was very fun. Ella & Miller cashed their tickets in for a Hoola Hoop, Magic Princess Wand, and some Cotton Candy. Life is good.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Fun Family Art

We discovered a fun place to do art on the weekends so Daddy can join us. The kids painted pictures first, then went to the card making room. We look forward to this activity every month! And the best part is, NO CLEANUP!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Oklahoma Aquarium

We took the kids to the aquarium and for some shopping(actually mommy shops, the kids share a cookie) last week. Ella was so excited to touch a starfish and see a 110lb turtle ('mommy, he's bigger than me!'). If you ask her what her favorite fish was, she'll tell you it was the otter.