Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Miller's 1st Steps

Miller has taken a step here or there over the past week, but today started taking up to 3 or 4! Just tilt your head to the left to view. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

11 Months

Sigh....where does the time go? Miller started saying recognizable words this week. 'Eya' for Ella, 'Ada' for Dada, and 'Ana' for Mama. And of course, his signature growl for everything else(especially when told 'no'). Our little ironman prefers the kitchen chairs to a push toy. He can stand in one position and pull and swing the chair around himself. What does an ironman eat? This evening it was a hot dog, baked beans(hence the stripped wardrobe), yogurt, and 2 jars of baby food veggies. I see much larger grocery bills in our future.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Miller's 1st Dentist Appointment

Miller checking out the video games before his appointment.
Dr. Rhodes looking at his teeth.

Easy Squeezy!