Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Mommy finished carving pumpkins into the wee hours last night. Ella requested a ghost, and whatever Ella wants........

Trick- or - Treat

Ella & Miller went to Daddy's work today to go trick or treating. Ella's bucket was so full, her candy was dropping out on our way back to the car.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Brother & Sister

I've collected a few pictures of the kids together over the past month. They are such a joy to watch together as they can make each other laugh like no one else can. We realize how blessed we are to have them, but also how blessed they are to have each other.

Neighborhood Fall Festival

Ella & Miller took home the prize for cutest costumes this year at our neighborhood parade, but just check out the competition.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wild Weekend With the Weaver Girls

We had a great time visiting Aunt Aimee, Nadia, Audrey, and Grandma last weekend. After the 3 1/2 hour car trip home, Ella stated, "I want to go to Aunt Aimee's house". We watched Nadia cheer, played with Maximo Cutimo, read lots of books in bed, wore out the tickle monster (aka Jason), and attended the Deanna Rose 'Night of the Living Farm' where Ella roasted her first marshmallow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

# 2

We went to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago and had a pumpkin & our scarecrow kidnapped that evening. Daddy had to go out and make a replacement that Ella appropriately named # 2.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mommy, I've Got Lots of Coins!

This is what Ella said when she found the money from Aunt Peanut in her Halloween package. Thank you so much for the books and money....Miller thought it was all very tasty!

Visiting Family

Grandma Sharon had the day off last week, so Mommy, Ella, & Miller decided to take a day trip and visit. We also got to meet up with Dameon & Dominic. Ella loved his cool playroom with all the trains! Thanks Grandma & Mommy's Daddy for lunch in the park!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Halloween So Soon?

I had to get 'the costume picture' checked off my to-do list. These two were very good for this...amazing what the promise of a cookie can accomplish. ;)

Monday, October 08, 2007

We're goin' to the zoo...zoo...zoo....

Daddy took a day off to take the family to the Tulsa Zoo today. Ella was such a ham for pictures. She walked the entire park and said her favorite animal was the donkey!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Rogers Fall Festival

The family built a scarecrow to add to our pumpkins at the festival. We saw our friends Jay, Caleb, and Marissa & Jacob there. Ella and mommy also enjoyed a hayride and a lollipop.

Growing Pains

Just had to share my pictures of Ella's first (bad) skinned knees. Daddy was out of town and all she could say was, "I need to show my daddy". Fortunately he brought her back this cool shirt she got to color herself.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Look At My Pumpkins!

If you come to our house, you're likely to hear this from Ella. She is very proud of her pumpkins that she and daddy picked out this week. Thanks to our neighbors, Will & Amanda, for helping us decorate them.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

6 Month Stats

Mr. Miller went in for his 6month exam and shots yesterday. He was 18 1/2lbs (75%), 27 1/3in (90%), and Head Circumference 18in (90%), and they said he looked great. He says 'da da da' and is starting to crawl, but forgets to lift his's more of a bulldozer crawl. Unfortunately, he's working on some more teeth and woke up with his sister's cold.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's Windy, Mommy. Let's Fly My Kite!

Ella actually flew her kite just long enough for Mommy to catch a shot, then got bored and practiced balance beam on the landscaping stones. But the next time it's windy, she'll want her kite again.