Monday, September 25, 2006


Ella is starting off her week great after recovering from a sinus infection and passing her hearing screen. She's so excited to spend the week with Grandma Cinda & Virginia while Mommy & Daddy hit the waves.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Chillin' with Gable Gable

Grammy's New Ride

Yeah! Grammy finally got a new car. We can't tell who's happier, Grammy or Ella.

Benton County Fair

We all went to the Parade, Farmer's Market, and County Fair on Saturday. Ella's friend, Lauren, rode in the parade as one of the princesses. Ella had her first artery clogging funnel cake, then washed it down with her first lemonade.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Big Girl

Ella was soooo proud that she dressed herself. I guess the fact that she could see out of a hole was good enough.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Devil's Den

We all took a trek on a trail at Devil's Den State Park this weekend, but didn't venture into any caves or crevices. Ella was such a big girl walking on her own for lots of the trail, although she played the role of mommy & daddy's backpack several times as well. She had her 15month checkup last week and weighed 23# and was 31 inches tall. She received 2 shots and was such a brave girl.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mom's/Ella's Day Out

Today was Ella's first day at 'school'. She attends Central United Methodist Church's Mom's Day Out Program on Fridays, from 8:30 to 2:30pm. She went right in to play with the kids and toys. I went to get my goodbye kiss and hug, and all she had for me was a new toy to show off. Sniff.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Where's The Picnic?

This is Ella's newest & most repeated pose this week. She likes to throw her cup down and then say 'huh?' We met the Sharpless family at McClure park for a slightly rainy, but nice and cool annual Labor Day Picnic. As Jason says...'this is how it all began'