Sunday, April 30, 2006


It's hard to believe in 1 month, Ella will be celebrating her 1st birthday. We love watching her develop into a funny and inquisitive girl. She had a big weekend, cutting her 5th tooth and playing in the park with Daddy.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

47 Weeks

Ella got her 4th tooth this past weekend, and 2 more close behind. She loves cruising with her 'walker' the Weaver's let her borrow. She added Rockin' Tots to her schedule and loves to tap to the beat.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

What a Family

We walked behind these 2 boys in their wagon, pulled by their dad, during the Race for the Cure. I just had to get a picture to show others how truly blessed we all are.

Go Bonnie!

We participated in Team 'Bonnie's Believers' for J.B. Hunt in the 5K walk of the Race for the Cure this morning. Ella lasted until the final mile. We are so proud of Bonnie who just received her last chemo treatment yesterday. You're an inspiration, Bonnie!

Giddy with Grandpa

Ella adores Grandpa Bob & taking off his glasses.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Grammy Love

We visited Grammy at work today after swim lessons. Ella did a great job of cleaning off Grammy's desk for her.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Farm Friends

The Bohannon family visited Farm Friends through Parents As Teachers. We saw lots of animals and got to pet them, but Ella's favorite was a dog.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Sat This One Out

Ella went to Nadia & Audrey's Easter Egg Hunt with them last weekend and was not a fan of the Easter Bunny.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Fun With The Weaver Girls

These are some shots from our trip to K.C. last weekend where we visited Deanna Rose, a small children's park/petting zoo. Ella's favorite had to be the big slide with mommy. Audrey loved the goats, and Nadia loved the fish!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

45 Weeks

This is Ella's latest expression. Denise from Parents As Teachers says she's going to catch flies. She had her well baby check this week and weighed 19.5 lbs and was 30 inches tall. She loved her new Dr. and we loved the new clinic. They took a little blood to check for anemia, and she didn't make a sound. What a brave girl.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Family Photos

These are some more photos from the baptism, mainly for the benefit of those not able to attend. We are so proud and blessed.

Adore My Godparents

Thank you to Aunt Aimee and Cousin Dameon for stepping up to the task of being Ella's Godparents.

Our Precious Girls

Ella & Audrey were baptized Sunday in K.C. We were so proud of our girls as they took the first step in their journey with Christ.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

My 1st Easter Egg Hunt

Parents As Teachers hosted an Easter Egg Hunt, including crafts and games. We each got 14 eggs, but my friend, Noelle, stopped early when she discovered the yummy treats inside.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ella's 1st Swimming Lesson

Mommy & Daddy got to take Ella to her first swim class today. Ansley and Miss Sheila are also in our class; see us mastering the backfloat? Ella loved blowing bubbles, bouncing, kicking, and paddling in the pool with all the other kids.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Good Sharing!

No wonder these dogs love this kid.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I Can Stand By Myself!

It happened right before our eyes. Ella and daddy were working on the yard together when she decided to get to him using a new mode of transportation....hands and feet. When she got to him, she realized she could stand by herself!