Friday, March 31, 2006

Ella Likes To Swing!

Ella went to the duck park today with her friend Ansley, and her cousins John & Lily. She has been on a swing once before, but didn't care for it. Today she laughed and loved it. Spring is here!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Poor Gable

"Don't mommy was a vet...she told me what to do"

Still Best Friends

Ella thought her bow would look better on Tweed.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Just a Little Off the Top, Please

After many mornings of waking up with dreadlocks, Ella finally got those fuzzy ends snipped off.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Same Meal As Mom & Dad!

Ella celebrated her 42 week birthday by eating only big people food for dinner. She loved her peas & carrots, pasta, and roll. What a big girl!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Miss My 'Sisters'

Ella and I miss our sisters already. Can't wait for them to come visit again!

Fun Filled Week

These are some pictures of Ella & her friends and family. All those kids were worn out after the Chuck E. Cheese trip!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Baby Einstein Junkies

Ella is so happy to have her Aunt Aimee, Nadia, & Audrey visiting on their Spring Break. So far she's shown them her library, favorite lunch hang out, and 2 play parks. Next stop..Chuck E. Cheese.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Feeling Much Better

Ella had fun playing with Denise, our Parents As Teachers Educator. All she wanted to do today was stand on her own. What a big girl!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Tooth # 3 at 40 wks

Poor Ella has had a rough couple of days with this latest tooth (and 2 more on the way). She has some funny faces while feeling her first top tooth. Somehow she's able to keep that smile on that makes mommy's day!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day of Play

Yesterday Ella played with her friends Jay, Caleb, & Ansley (and their mommies). She especially liked pulling on Ansley's appendages with Caleb, and telling Ms. Shee she didn't look a day over 28 on her birthday!

Daddy's Look

Yesterday Ella reminded me of a 'look' Jason gave me when I took his picture last year. He can't deny this kid!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Grandma's New Comfy Bed

Ella discovered that she can touch her chin with her tongue this weekend. Thanks for a fun trip and letting us be silly on your new bed, Grandma!

Fun At Grandma's

Ella wore herself out at Grandma's house this weekend. She visited Grandma at work and met all of her nice coworkers. Grandma read her bedtime stories and took us to the Kiwanis Pancake breakfast this morning. Ella had a great time also seeing Mary, Aunt Beth, Uncle Raymond and cousins Lindsay & Brad. Can't wait to see everyone again soon.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

All I Need Are These Two Bottles, That's All I Need.......

At 39 wks today, Ella was reminding me of Steve Martin in "The Jerk". No matter what I tried to tempt her with, she wasn't letting go of those bottles. Even Gable came up next to her and she chose the bottles over pulling his fur, a favorite pasttime.